Outline is a fast knowledge base and wiki designed for teams. Outline’s live editor supports a wide variety of Markdown shortcuts. Documents created in the app are stored in Markdown format and can be exported as Markdown too, so you’re never locked in.

Beyond Markdown, Outline supports a range of features such as structured organization of documents, search, read/write permissions, user groups, backlinking, public sharing, and more.

Outline Screenshot

Outline is offered as a hosted service, and is also available for self hosting as a docker container. The source code is publicly available on GitHub.

Outline Markdown Support

Outline provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
Headings Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line Breaks Yes The Outline editor persists line breaks by default without extra syntax.
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquotes Yes
Ordered Lists Yes
Unordered Lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal Rules Yes
Links Yes
Images Yes
Tables Partial You can’t type them in Outline’s editor. Use the /table slash command or block insert toolbar.
Fenced Code Blocks Yes
Syntax Highlighting Yes
Footnotes No
Heading IDs Partial You can’t type them in Outline’s editor, but all headings are given a unique ID by default.
Definition Lists No
Strikethrough Yes
Task Lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (shortcodes) No
Highlight No
Subscript No
Superscript No
Automatic URL Linking No
Disabling Automatic URL Linking No

See Also